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We have had a totally positive response since we began. DentalBanc opened an opportunity for our practice to offer payment options to our patients.

Betty Jo Casey, Dr. Brett D. Helton, Columbus, GA

How It Works

DentalBanc is a risk assessment and payment management provider specializing in electronic payments for orthodontists, dentists, veterinary clinics, and other businesses. Our management team has over 100 years of experience in risk assessment for financial companies. We have brought that expertise to practices and other businesses nationwide in an effort to lower the risk associated with payment plans.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Determine the responsible party's credit risk by getting a ZACC Credit Recommendation. There is no lengthy credit report to analyze. Instead, you receive a credit level along with a payment plan recommendation. The ZACC credit inquiry does not affect the Responsible Party's credit score since we post a medical inquiry. Offering a low-to-no down payment option is a great way to win the business of a patient that is a low credit risk but doesn't have cash to pre-pay for a costly transaction. (Credit Recommendations are not required to use our management service but we do recommend this tool to help lower risk and increase case acceptance.)

Step 2: Once you decide to offer payment terms to the Responsible Party, DentalBanc will completely manage the account. This means you can offer an office payment plan without creating extra work for your staff! Payments are drafted directly from the Responsible Party's checking account or credit card and deposited into the office bank account each month. If the payment fails for any reason, DentalBanc contacts the responsible party and schedules a follow-up draft. Your client can even print receipts directly from DentalBanc's secure website. Our receipts meet Flex Spending guidelines for reimbursement.

The DentalBanc Way: Present DentalBanc as your office payment plan for dental treatment:

  • Cash up front or DentalBanc. It's that simple.
  • With DentalBanc managing all your accounts, you can STOP mailing monthly statements, STOP manually entering credit card payments each month, and STOP making unpleasant phone calls about missed payments.
  • DentalBanc will train your staff on presenting payment options: "If you would like to take advantage of our free office payment plan, we will be auto-drafting your payment directly from your checking account or credit card each month."