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We appreciate DentalBanc because it has allowed our patients to receive financial help for their treatment that otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do.

Liz Baines, Dr. Aaron Pryor, Lebanon, TN

About DentalBanc

OrthoBanc, LLC is a risk assessment and payment management provider specializing in electronic payments for orthodontists, dentists and other companies that provide services for a set monthly fee. OrthoBanc, LLC currently does business as OrthoBanc, DentalBanc and PaymentBanc. DentalBanc's management team has over 100 years of experience in risk assessment for financial companies. We have brought that expertise to businesses nationwide in an effort to lower the risk associated with payment plans. Our credit recommendations can be obtained in seconds.

In addition to credit recommendations, DentalBanc has taken risk management to the next level by completely managing office payment plans. We secure payments via ACH or credit card draft and we handle customer follow-up regarding failed transactions, expired credit cards, etc. When a business implements The DentalBanc Way, there is no need to mail statements or make those awkward phone calls regarding missed payments. Employee productivity is increased, the office is more secure, delinquency is reduced, and payments are received on time, every month.

DentalBanc is a great alternative to 3rd Party Financing. We allow you to offer more payment options to your patients by providing risk assessment and management of your approved payment plans.

NOTE: We acknowledge that we are responsible for the security of cardholder data that we possess, store, or transmit on behalf of our customers. We will handle all financial data in a safe and secure manner in accordance with PCI-DSS Requirements.